- “Yesterday Line” (On the last passenger liner across the North Atlantic, 1978)
- “Adolf Superman” (Young neo-nazis in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1979)
- “Soldaten” [Soldiers] (in eight parts, 1979)
- “In den Tod — Hurra !” [To Our Death — Hurrah!] (Members of the German youth regiments before Langemark, OHIO STATE AWARD, 1980)
- “Die andere Front” [The Other Front] (Women in the Second World War, 1982) “Im Widerstand” [In the Resistance] (Women partisans, in five parts, JAPAN PRIZE, 1983)
- “Ein Schlachtfeld wird besichtigt” [Inspection of a Battlefield] (PREMIO ONDAS, 1984)
- “Auf einen friedlichen Himmel — Genossen !” [To a Peaceful Sky ‑Comrades!] (New Year’s Eve in Eastern Siberia, 1984)
- “Die Belagerung der Macht” [Power Under Siege] (European Peace Movement, in six parts, 1985)
- “Deutschland — 8. Mai 1945” [Germany] — 8 May 1945
- “Die weißen Nächte von St.Petersburg” [The White Nights of St. Petersburg]
- “Die Sehenswürdigkeit” [The Sight] (25 years of the Berlin Wall, 1986)
- “Entfernte Verwandte” [Distant Relatives] (The Germany-speaking minority in Kasakhstan, 1988)
- “Aus heiterem Himmel — Tiefflugwetter in Zone 7” [Out of the Blue ‑Low-Flying Weather in Zone 7] 1990)
- “Sao Paulo Babylon” (1990)
- “Xango” (Afro-Brazilian cults in Bahia, 1991)
- “Hochzeit mit dem Feind” [Wedding with the Enemy] (Unification of the two German armies, PRIX FUTURA,1993)
- “Zerrissenes Land” [War-torn Country] (1992, Report from the Serbo-Croatian war zone, with Stjepan Adrian Kostré)
- “Auf der Höllenbahn” [On Hell’s Road] (Rio Madeira, Brazil, 1992)
- “Die zehn Geräusche meines Lebens” [The Ten Sounds of My Life](1993)
- “Der andere Kanal” [The Other Channel] (Broadcasting in the GDR, 1993)
- “Auch ich war ein Bittschön — Ortstermin im früheren Sudetenland” [I too was a “Bittschön” — Encounter in Former Sudetenland] (PRIX FUTURA, 1995)
- “Jericho — Hauptstadt der Ungeduld” [Jericho — the Capital of Impatience] (GOLDENES KABEL, 1995)
- “Nachtgespräche in Damaskus” [Night Conversations in Damascus]
- “Große Kids” [Big Kids]
- “Raketensommer” [Rocket Summer]
- “Tagträume in Transsilvanien” [Daydreams in Transylvania]
- “Hundert Blumen — verdorrt” [ A Hundred Flows — Withered] (50 Years People’s Republic of China, 1999)
- “Kurzer Winter der Gerechten” [Short Winter of the Just] (GDR dissidents and the Legacy of the Stasi, 1999)
- “Berg der heiligen Zwietracht” [The Mount of Holy Discord] (Who do the holy places in Jerusalem “belong” to ? — PREMIO ONDAS, 2000)
- “Lenin kehrt zurück” [Lenin Returns] (The Finnish Station in St. Petersburg, 2000)
- “Die Grenzgänger — Logbuch einer Notrettungsstation” [The Cross- Border Commuter — Logbook of a Rescue Station ] (PRIX EUROPA, 2002)
- “Nach dem Goldrausch — Ein Reiseführer für Unerschrockene” (After the Gold Rush — A Guide for the Intrepid) (Brasilien 2002)
- “Der Amazonas” [The Amazon] (a three-hour feature for the hr2 radio day project)
- “The Great Rivers of the World “, 2002)
- “Hinauf ! — Irland besteigt den Heiligen Berg Croagh Patrick, und Helmut Kopetzky steigt mit” [Every upward! — Ireland Climbs the Holy Mount Croagh Patrick, and Helmut Kopetzky Tags Along] (2003)
radio plays (selected):
- “Moskauer Zeit” [Moscow Time]
- “Ohr — Schlacht — Feld” [Ear — Battle — Field]
- “Zikadenbaum” [Cicada Tree]
- “A Fùria — Die Wut der Kinder” [A Fùria — The Rage of Children]
- “Europoly” (joint project of HR with 15 European broadcasting companies)
- “Ein Tag in Europa” [One Day in Europe] (PRIX EUROPA 1999) and “Ein Tag in der Stadt” [One Day in the City] — two 16-hour radio events of Hessischer Rundfunk